Return and claim of goods

General information

  • Please note that we do not accept any returns outside the EU and from the Canary Islands.
  • When sending your parcel you will have to cover return costs yourself. You can return your parcel using any postal service. 
  • Select whether you want to return or claim the goods. A simple online form will guide you through the entire return or claim process.
  • Send the goods only after filling out the form.
  • Carefully pack the goods. It must be in an undamaged, original package and contain a purchase receipt or order number and your initials. Without this, we cannot accept the shipment and thus guarantee a refund/processing of the claim within the legal deadline.
  • The address for sending returned and claimed goods and related documents is:

BELGIUM - EXPANDECO Lucia Kováčová – Shapenbarefoot, Nieuwe Weerd 22, 3650 Dilsen – Stokkem, BE

    BULGARIA - EXPANDECO Shapenbarefoot, ул. Армейска №17, 6003 Стара Загора, България

      CZECHIA - EXPANDECO Shapenbarefoot, Tř. 3 května 910, 763 02 Zlín-Malenovice, CZ

        FRANCE - EXPANDECO R. Ondrušek – Shapenbarefoot, 13 rue de Cambrai, 59159 Noyelles sur Escaut, FR

          GREECE - EXPANDECO Kristýna Pechanová, Shapenbarefoot, Galaxidiou 40, Mosxato 183 45 Athina, GR

            NETHERLANDS - EXPANDECO Nikola Durmaz, Shapenbarefoot, Hoofdstraat 163, 8162AG Epe, NL

              CROATIA - EXPANDECO Shapenbarefoot, Božidara Adžije 23/2, 10000 Zagreb, HR

                HUNGARY - EXPANDECO Shapenbarefoot, FLK - Magyar Posta - Sikátorpuszta Hrsz.: 5453/18, Fót 2151, HU

                  GERMANY - EXPANDECO Shapen, TOR-3, Preuschwitzer Straße 20, 02625 Bautzen, DE

                    POLAND - EXPANDECO Shapenbarefoot, ul. Stawowa 91, Cieszyn 43-400, PL

                      AUSTRIA - Mária Zechmeister Shapenbarefoot, Dr. Ladislaus Batthyany Platz 2, 2421 Kittsee, AT

                        ROMANIA - EXPANDECO Shapenbarefoot, Str. Michelangelo, Nr. 25, Oradea, Jud. Bihor, Cod postal 410431, RO

                          SLOVAKIA - EXPANDECO Shapenbarefoot, Fraňa Kráľa 839/16, 966 81 Žarnovica, SK

                            SLOVENIA - EXPANDECO A. Pušaver - Shapenbarefoot, Šarhova ulica 35, 2331 Pragersko, SI

                              SPAIN - Erni Brito – EXPANDECO –Shapen, C. de Francisco Suárez, 9, Chamartín, 28036 Madrid, Spain

                                SWEDEN - Milena Klímová, EXPANDECO - Shapenbarefoot, Svedviksvägen 48, 149 43 Nynäshamn, SE

                                  ITALY - EXPANDECO Andrea Covi, Shapenbarefoot, Mühlenweg 35, 39030 St.Sigmund/Kiens (BZ), IT

                                    We try to meet your requirements as much as possible and fulfill them as soon as possible. When returning the goods, we will send the money back no later than 14 days after receiving the returned goods. Please keep your tracking number in order to be able to track your return. We try to handle claims so that it doesn't take long, but at most 30 days. You can read a summary of the return and claim process below.

                                    Return of goods (withdrawal from the purchase contract)

                                    You can return unsuitable footwear without giving a reason within 30 days from the date of delivery.

                                    The goods must be:

                                    • unused,
                                    • undamaged,
                                    • tried only on a clean floor or carpet (not outdoors),
                                    • with a return form, purchase receipt,
                                    • in the complete original packaging,
                                    • with all original tags and labels.
                                    • If we find that the returned goods do not meet the requirements stated in the General Terms and Conditions(e.g. the goods must be unused, in the original packaging, with original tags), we cannot accept this goods back, and it will be sent back to you at your expense as used goods.

                                    Claiming goods

                                    Claim the goods immediately after discovering the error. The goods must be properly cleaned and dry. Failure to meet these conditions will result in the goods not being accepted for the complaint procedure. The assessment of the legitimacy of the claim and its processing takes up to 30 calendar days after the goods are received for the complaint procedure. If this does not happen, we will refund the money.

                                    Exchange of goods

                                    We do not make exchanges. If the size doesn't fit, send us the goods back, and we will refund you so that you can create a new order in our e-shop.

                                    Frequently Asked Questions

                                    You will find a size chart and a recommendation on how to choose the right size for all products in the e-shop that have a choice of sizes to offer. The table is displayed by clicking on the text "Size chart" located above the size number menu.

                                    If you choose to decline the customs fee and the shipment is returned to us, we will refund you the amount less the shipping and handling fee.

                                    Yes, after you submit your order, you will receive an e-mail with tracking information for your shipment. If by chance you did not receive this information, please e-mail us at

                                    For a list of countries where we deliver SHAPENs, please visit the Shipping subpage.